With CSR Reports season in high gear, it is a good opportunity for us to present you 5 pionneer initiatives of French companies willing to better communicate their CSR reports on digital and social networks. Numerous other ambitious initiatives passed on this blog but we will focus here on French companies, as in terms of CSR digital communications, everything’s not always coming from the USA !

BNP Paribas Asks Internet Users To Evaluate Its CSR Initiatives

Satisfying stakeholders is important for a CSR policy’s company evolving ‘in a changing world’ (i.e. the French motto). For about a month BNP has been leading a debate to improve its practices. The Group presents the CSR Report’s main figures with an infographic. Each infographic leads to a CSR initiative evaluation pop-up page. Information on the CSR initiative can then be shared on social networks like Linkedin and Twitter.

N1 mondial responsabilité sociale Vigeo

The Group also created a space to share opinions and ideas on what do people expect from a more responsible bank with the “disqus” tool integrating positive or negative comments. A direct tweet tool allows Internet users to join in the conversation with hashtag #banqueresponsable. The corporate Community Manager for the Twitter account named @BNPParibas_com then answers to the internet users.

Footer discuss et feed Twitter

Schneider Electric Launches Online CSR Reports Every Quarter

Schneider Electric has developed a quarterly CSR barometer to let know about the improvements of its sustainable projects. The graphics to follow reporting are now available on their website, including objectives to reach and results explanations.

Evolution de la performance durable

Danone Publishes Infographics Of CSR Reporting On Visual.ly

Danone Group decided to create infographics (information review on a given subject and containing graphic elements and drawings) in order to communicate on its CSR initiatives. For more infographics on Danone : https://visual.ly/tag/danone

crazy challenge danone reduction CO2

The Danone CSR infographics often illustrate the way a project is being led, using drawings. Figures explain the impact of a project.

Milk Collection Communities - Visual.ly

GDF Suez Invests On A CSR-Based Corporate Website

GDF Suez corporate website is focused on CSR strategy with a big amount of articles being produced and dealing with its CSR initiatives as a blog would. This dynamic website takes all page width and contains numbers of boxes, social feeds as Twitter and Facebook, as well as CSR infogaphics.

GDF SUEZ - intégration contenus RSE

GDF SUEZ - Flux sociaux


Heineken Presents A Digital, Clean And Dynamic CSR Report

Heineken presents a digital, clean and dynamic CSR report.

Accueil HEINEKEN Rapport développement durable France 2011

Information on the chapters of the CSR report are available in more details by clicking through buttons or boxes. This dedicated CSR website presents many advantages. Website browsing is made easy and information conveyed are clear and concise.

Heineken Production et distribution responsables - Améliorer - HEINEKEN Rapport développement durable France 2011 infos

To read further on this subject, visit other articles on youmatter.world to get to know more about projects and initiatives focused on CSR reporting and the digital world.

Ecrit par :

Pierre-Yves Sanchis

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With CSR Reports season in high gear, it is a good opportunity for us to present you 5 pionneer initiatives of French companies willing to better communicate their CSR reports on digital and social networks. Numerous other ambitious initiatives passed on this blog but we will focus here on French companies, as in terms of CSR digital communications, everything’s not always coming from the USA !


BNP Paribas asks internet users to evaluate its CSR initiatives

Satisfying stakeholders is important for a CSR policy’s company evolving ‘in a changing world’ (i.e. the French motto). For about a month BNP has been leading a debate to improve its practices. The Group presents the CSR Report’s main figures with an infographic. Each infographic leads to a CSR initiative evaluation pop-up page. Information on the CSR initiative can then be shared on social networks like Linkedin and Twitter.

N1 mondial responsabilité sociale Vigeo

The Group also created a space to share opinions and ideas on what do people expect from a more responsible bank with the “disqus” tool integrating positive or negative comments. A direct tweet tool allows Internet users to join in the conversation with hashtag #banqueresponsable. The corporate Community Manager for the Twitter account named @BNPParibas_com then answers to the internet users.

Footer discuss et feed Twitter

Schneider Electric launches online CSR reporting every quarter

Schneider Electric has developed a quarterly CSR barometer to let know about the improvements of its sustainable projects. The graphics to follow reporting are now available on their website, including objectives to reach and results explanations.

Evolution de la performance durable

Danone publishes infographics of CSR reporting on Visual.ly

Danone Group decided to create infographics (information review on a given subject and containing graphic elements and drawings) in order to communicate on its CSR initiatives. For more infographics on Danone : https://visual.ly/tag/danone

crazy challenge danone reduction CO2

The Danone CSR infographics often illustrate the way a project is being led, using drawings. Figures explain the impact of a project.

Milk Collection Communities - Visual.ly

GDF Suez invests on a CSR-based Corporate website

GDF Suez corporate website is focused on CSR strategy with a big amount of articles being produced and dealing with its CSR initiatives as a blog would. This dynamic website takes all page width and contains numbers of boxes, social feeds as Twitter and Facebook, as well as CSR infogaphics.

GDF SUEZ - intégration contenus RSE

GDF SUEZ - Flux sociaux


Heineken presents a digital, clean and dynamic CSR report

Heineken presents a digital, clean and dynamic CSR report.

Accueil HEINEKEN Rapport développement durable France 2011

Information on the chapters of the CSR report are available in more details by clicking through buttons or boxes. This dedicated CSR website presents many advantages. Website browsing is made easy and information conveyed are clear and concise.

Heineken Production et distribution responsables - Améliorer - HEINEKEN Rapport développement durable France 2011 infos

To read further on this subject, visit our French CSR infographic curation as well as our infographics on Sustainable Development and CSR.

Visit also other articles on our blog to know more about projects and initiatives in terms of CSR report and the digital world.

Ecrit par :

Pierre-Yves Sanchis

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