All over the world, people are increasingly staying home to avoid the spread of the new coronavirus and stop the pandemic that threatens to push healthcare systems to the limit.

As a result, and as we’ve discussed in our piece Planet VS Economy: How Coronavirus Is Unraveling A Dysfunctional System, the economy is going through some hard times. Even though telling people to stay home is a good strategy to stop the virus, governments are acting slowly and carefully to cause the least harm possible to the economy.

Small owned businesses like grocery stores and restaurants are being particularly affected and risk closing doors as they are left behind. Nonetheless, the good news is: you can do something about it.

Supporting Local Small Business Is A Win-Win In Coronavirus Times

There are few things as essential these days as getting your food shopping done. There is only one problem – or two, actually. The first is that the medium-large supermarkets one would turn to in a first instance are most likely “overcrowded” with huge waiting lines. The second issue is that online shopping will only work for those who can wait for +3 weeks.

There are, however, other shopping sites you can turn to: local and small managed businesses such as grocery stores – many of which are actually short on clients. By turning your shopping efforts to these fragile workers you’ll help them remain open and getting an income.

Moreover, many of these small grocery stores are providing home delivery services too! Go for a little google search using your town or country as keywords, together with food delivery and small grocery store and you find them out.

Some cities across different countries already have started creating lists with these small and local owners who are available to do deliveries at request. Despite the absence of a website from which you can choose the products (and brands) you are buying, a phone number can connect you to these owners. Arrange the delivery details and it will likely take you a few hours or a couple of days to get what you asked for.

The Social Benefits Of Shopping Local And Small

For the time being, shopping in local and small businesses is a win-win situation: you can get your shopping delivered at home more quickly and small and local businesses can keep running.

Who knows if in the ends, when things get back to normal, as these small businesses get to know your needs and preferences, you wouldn’t like to get an unexpected call with the other side saying – we just got some fresh, range-free eggs delivered, would you like some? The forgotten benefits of shopping locally…

Moreover, by shopping local and small you will be directly contributing to some else’s paycheck – remember these people are their own bosses so you will be supporting entrepreneurs and your local community. You will also be paying taxes that will be used back in your country – which may not be the case when shopping in large retailers with transnational fiscal headquarters.

Buying From Local And Small Benefits: Environmental Benefits

Also, these businesses usually carry a greater portion of locally-produced goods coming from smaller-scale producers and farms. Therefore, their products may be more eco-friendly since smaller quantities are produced (may be less exhaustive) and there’s more awareness of the need to take good care of the land.

These products, at least the fresh ones, will likely cover short distances too and spend less CO2. Nonetheless, it’s important to keep in mind that in general, and despite what’s commonly heard, the way food is produced is more important (environmentally-speaking) than its transportation.

Now you know. The next time you think of shopping, remember the local small business next door! It’s time to make Google’s small local shop near me search trendy!

[Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash]